Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Windows & Doors Series 2

La Risa, the Oldest Pulqueria in Mexico City

The pulqueria is a Mexican institution, but more of the past than the present. Still, today a handful of pulquerias can be found in the capital. Just off Avenida Isabel la Catolica one can find the oldest pulqueria in Mexico City, La Risa. Pulque is an alcoholic beverage made from fermented agave. Plain or flavored (curados), it seems to be regaining the popularity that it once had particularly among college students. On any typical afternoon, it may be hard to find a seat as the pulqeria is most likely jam packed with eager imbibers of the fermented agave juice.

Curados at La Hermana Hortensia

From mango to coconut or pineapple and oat sprinkled with cinnamon or celery, most tastes can be satisfied. In the mid-17th century, over 200 pulquerias could be found in the Centro. Check out one of the few remained watering spots to truly complete your Mexico City experience.